Covid19 – Coronavirus – Inspection Procedures – as of 14th July 2021
Phoenix Fire Protection is committed to the safety of not only its Staff but all our Clients and their Buildings. Our work is vital to ensure the life safety of all residents in our managed buildings. Therefore, all inspections will continue as normal with special measures in place to protect Staff and Clients as a whole.
Following the rules and guidelines as set out by the NSW Government announcement of July, 14th 2021, Phoenix Fire will be implementing the following rules to all staff and service technicians.
Our Responsibilities
Office Environment
- All Staff are to Check-in when entering the office building and Check-out when exiting the building on all occasions
- All Visitors to the office building will be required to Check-in when entering the office building and Check-out when exiting the building on all occasions
- All Staff and Visitors are required to wear Face Masks at all times when inside the office building (unless medically exempted)
Service Technicians and Contractors
- All staff to always wear an approved PPE at all times when inside any property, including inside a unit or in the common property of a premises.
- Face Mask (disposable)
- Face Scheid (if required)
- Gloves (disposable)
- Hand Sanitizer
- All Service Technicians/Contractors are to advise residents when accessing their sole occupancy unit or commercial premises for the purposes of undertaking their duties, to maintain a safe distance whilst they undertake their inspections.
- All Staff and Contractors to sanitize prior to entering and upon exiting any Sole Occupancy Unit or Commercial premises
- All Staff and Contractors are only to dispose of used PPE equipment at the Phoenix Fire office or their private residence.
- If a Staff member or Contractor suspects a resident is ill in anyway, they are permitted to refuse access and make notes for a later inspection.
Covid-19 Testing and Record Keeping
- All Service technicians living in the Greater Sydney Region including including the Blue Mountains, Central Coast, Wollongong and Shellharbour are required to have a Covid-19 test every 7 days until further notice
- Any Service Technician or Contractor living in the Fairfield LGU will be required to have a Covid-19 Test every 72 hours until further notice.
- All Service technicians and Contractors are required to forward a copy of the Covid-19 Test confirmation to the Officer in Charger immediately upon receipt.
- All Service technicians and Contractors are required to forward a copy of the Covid-19 Test results to the Officer in Charger immediately upon receipt.
- A register of all Service Technicians and Contractors testing dates and test results are to be maintained within a Covid-19 Testing Register and to be made available to any client upon request in writing giving 24 hours notice.
Client / Tenant / Occupiers Responsibilities
- Resident to always remain a safe distance from the service technician / contractors at all times
- Resident to advise the technician of any suspected illness or overseas travel in the last 14 days prior to the inspection.
- Residents has the right to refuse access to the premises and may request an later inspection date.
Next Review Date: 30th July, 2021
Phoenix Fire Protection and Maintenance Pty Ltd.